УДК 502.171:622.333+550.42:546.56(477.83) • ? Issue 26 / 2016 • 17—26 pages


Yu. Ol’khovyk

Yu. Ol’khovyk Ph.D(Geol.-Min.), Senior Researcher, SI «Institute of Enviromental Geochemistry NAS Ukraine», yolkhovyk@ukr.net


The current situation of the “Shelter” object, which is characterized by intense processes of lava fuel-containing masses destruction as a result of the alpha decay of plutonium and minor actinide isotopes, is considered. Made in France, the complex study of the properties of borosilicate glass, doped by short-lived 244CmO2, showed a high resistance of the matrix to the effects of alpha-decay in situ. Up to a dose of 1,2∙1019∙α∙g-1 glass retains uniformity, the formation of any new phases, cracks and gas bubbles was not observed. The possibility of conversion of fuel containing lava masses in borosilicate glass, which is close in composition to the studied glasses SON68, using induction melting in the “cold” crucible is discussed. The cumulative dose in the glass, formed by the lava fuel-containing masses, does not exceed 1 ∙ 1018 α∙ g-1 for 100 000 years.


Key words: lava fuel-containing masses, disposal, vitrification, borosilicate glass, self-irradiation, alpha decay.




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