УДК 551.242:553.04• ? Issue 26 / 2016 • 107-119 pages



L.Os’machko. Ph.D. (Geology), Senior Researcher, SI «Institute of environmental geochemistry of NAS of Ukraine» osml@ukr.net


The paper summarizes data, copyright and predecessors, geological and structural studies within individual sections of Srednepridneprovsky megablock, also adjacent suture zones of the Ukrainian Shield. It is justified that Srednepridneprovskya part of the Ukrainian Shield is essentially a hybrid dislocation shear system. It was formed at least in seven stages of dislocation changes of the crystal base. The formation of the structures of the first six stages occurred in a gradual decrease in PT parameters geological environment (from granulite to greenschist facies). Younger structures are represented postmetamorphic tectonites aggravating already established structural plan. Dislocation system is ranked – formed by components, different from each other geological and dynamic conditions of formation. Those are subzones of lineared and subcirculared bodies. Among the first, in the present structural plan of crystalline basement, relevant subzones formed under transtension and transpression are allocated. The subcircled bodies of subzones are identified as being formed in the geological and dynamic shift / rotation conditions. All components of the dislocation system, in turn, are structural zoned and formed by the high-ranking similar geological bodies. Promising ore geological bodies occupy position of structures of the relative stretch (T) and subrotation (S) in the ranked tectonic figure, which formation we attribute to the early Proterozoic. Marked above facts we believe are leading search criteria.


Key words: generation of structures, dislocation system, ore bodies, structural cell.





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