Information for authors

Publication conditions

To publish an article in the GEOCHEMISTRY OF TECHNOGENESIS № 9 (37), 2023 it is necessary no later than April 28, 2023:

▶ Fill in author’s reference (links)

▶ To the e-mail address send an article prepared in accordance with the specified requirements and a copy of the receipt of payment of the publication fee.

Example of registration of the electronic file name: Shevchenko_I.I._article.

The editorial board reviews all articles anonymously. The review process can take up to 4 weeks.

Prohibition to refer to the aggressor state’s scholarly papers

It is prohibited citing and including in the reference list russian-language contributions published in any country, incl. papers written in other languages but published in russia and belarus.
Academic integrity

The Editorial Board guarantees high-quality anonymous peer-review of articles and their check for plagiarism using by the Polish company

The editorial office carries out an anonymous peer-review of articles and checks them for plagiarism using; after, authors receive payment details of the publication fee.

Materials published in the journal are subject to internal and external peer review, which is carried out by members of the editorial board of the journal, specialists in the relevant field. The review is carried out confidentially. In the event of a negative review or significant comments, the article may be rejected or returned to the author (s) for revision.

An article submitted without meeting these requirements is not subject to publication. The authors of the publication are responsible for the accuracy of facts and information, references to regulations, quotes, names, and the correctness of the translation.

The article of authors from other institutions must be accompanied by an examination report of this institution on the possibility of open publication of the submitted materials.

The editors reserve the right to make spelling, lexical and syntactic changes to the article material without the consent of the authors, provided that the content is preserved. In general, the responsibility for the text of the article lies with the authors.

The journal’s electronic version becomes publicly available on the website duly.

Journal electronic version will be available on the website on July 31, 2023.

If desired, an author can order a printed copy of the journal. The cost of a printed copy is UAH 800, which is paid in addition to the publication fee.

Authors who ordered a printed copy will receive it before August 31, 2023.

Requirements for execution

Before publication in the collected, scientific works are accepted that have never been published before. The article should be written on a relevant topic, contain the results of deep scientific research, novelty and substantiation of scientific conclusions for the purpose of the article (set task). Each author can submit a maximum of two articles in one issue.

Articles are accepted with a volume of 8–20 pages (together with literature, extended annotations) in A-4 format, with 1.5 intervals for the main text, for annotations and literature. Margins: all – 2 cm, paragraph – indented by 1.25 cm. Font of the main text: Times New Roman, size – 14, made on a computer in the Word for Windows editor (*.doc). For a set of formulas, graphs and tables, special programs built into Word for Windows are used. There should be no hyphenation in the article. Do not use page numbers.

Articles are submitted in Ukrainian or English.

Issues related to the publication of scientific reviews (no more than 9000 words and 10 figures) are solved by the editorial board on the basis of an extended abstract of the work provided by the authors in advance and a transliterated list of references.

Each article must have a UDC code (top left). Below on the left – the title of the article in capital letters (bold Times New Roman, size – 12), alignment to the left. Below – the surname and initials of the authors (in regular letters, bold, straight, size – 12). On a new line: the surname and initials of each author, indicating the academic title, position, organization where the author works, e-mail (size – 8). Title, full name, positions, academic titles, ORCID and e-mail addresses are duplicated in English before the corresponding annotation.

Article outline:

  1. introduction – formulation of the problem in general and its connection with important practical problems;
  2. recent research and publications on which the author relies, highlighting the unsolved parts of the general problem to which this article is devoted;
  3. the purpose of the article (statement of the problem);
  4. presentation of the actual research material;
  5. conclusions and prospects for further research in this direction.

Mandatory requirements for annotations, which must be:

  • informative (no general words);
  • structured (display a consistent logic of describing the results in the article)
  • meaningful (reflect the main content of the article; describe the main objectives of the research; highlight the most significant results)
  • contain a specification of the author’s contribution (what was developed, what was proposed, what was discovered, etc.);
  • do not contain links and abbreviations.

Abstract in Ukrainian and English are required and must contain at least 1800 characters each.

Tables must have titles. TimesNewRoman font (size 10 pt).

Illustrations shall be submitted in electronic form in COREL, TIF, JPG format with a resolution of 300 dpi for grayscale drawings, 600 dpi for line drawings. Text captions on figures, regardless of the language of the article, must be in English.

Bibliography. References to the sources of the materials used, factual and statistical data are required and are submitted in the text in chronological order in numbers in square brackets. The titles of works in the list of references are placed in the order of citation in the text.

List of references. The list of literature is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of DSTU 8302: 2015 “Bibliographic references. General provisions and rules of drawing up “.

References. In accordance with the requirements of international scientometric databases – according to the Harvard standard. Bibliographic data should contain (transliterated in Latin) the surnames and initials of all authors of the article / book, the year of publication (in parentheses), the name of the journal / book, the volume and number of the journal issue, (for books – the publisher and place of publication), the page interval of the article, DOI (if any). References in the text to published literary sources should be given in numbers in square brackets corresponding to the ordinal number of the source in the cited list. Links to unpublished materials are not allowed.

For example:


  1. Тарасевич Ю.И. Cтроение и химия поверхности слоистых силикатов. Киев: Наук. Думка, 1988. 248 с.
  2. Пушкарьов О.В., Приймаченко В.М. Взаємодія тритієвої води з глинистими мінералами Зб. наук. пр. Ін-тугеохімії навколиш. середовища. 2010. Вип. 18. с. 149–161.
  3. AliA.A., El-BishtawiR. Removal of lead and nickel ions using zeolite tuff. J. Chem. Technol. and Biotechnol.1997. 69. р. 27–34.
  4. Yi, N., Xu, J., Yan, L. and Huang, L. (2020), Task optimization and scheduling of distributed cyber–physical system based on improved ant colony algorithm. Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 109, pp. 134–148.


  1. Tarasevich, Yu.I. (1988), Stroenie i himiya poverhnosti sloistyh silikatov, Nauk. dumka, Kyiv, UA, 248 p.
  2. Pushkar’ov, O.V. and Priymachenko, V.M. (2010), Zb. nauk. pr. Іnst. Geohіmії Navkolyshn’ogo Seredovyshcha, Kyiv, UA,Vyp. 18: 149—161.
  3. Ali, A.A. and El-Bishtawi, R. (1997), J. Chem. Technol. and Biotechnol., 69: 27—34
  4. Yi, N., Xu, J., Yan, L. and Huang, L. (2020). Future Generation Computer Systems, 109: 134–148.

Sample of article execution

УДК 550.47:550.424

Долін В.В., Бобков В.М., Орлов О.О.

Долін В.В., доктор геологічних наук, професор, заступник директора, Державна установа «Інститут геохімії навколишнього середовища Національної академії наук України», ORCID 0000-0001-6174-2962,
Бобков В.М., кандидат хімічних наук, старший науковий співробітник, Державна установа «Інститут геохімії навколишнього середовища Національної академії наук України», ORCID 0000-0002-3857-5075,
Орлов О.О., кандидат біологічних наук, старший науковий співробітник, Державна установа «Інститут геохімії навколишнього середовища Національної академії наук України», ORCID 0000-0003-2923-5324,


У модельному експерименті вивчено особливості перерозподілу водної форми тритію в закритій екосистемі на основі свіжозрізаних живців верби білої (Salix alba L.)… (обсяг не менше 1800 символів)
Ключові слова: тритієва вода, свіжозрізані живці верби без коріння та листя, всмоктування через перидерму, транспірація через перидерму, сік рослин, біокінетичні параметри.

Постановка проблеми у загальному вигляді та її зв’язок з важливими практичними завданнями. Як відомо, світло відіграє ключову роль у процесах фотосинтезу рослин, який відбувається в листі [1, 2]. Але, крім нього, у рослинах відбуваються також й інші фізіологічні процеси — рух соку, транспірація, міграція води та солей через стінки клітин тощо…

Література (оформлення згідно з ДСТУ 8302:2015)

1. Тарасевич Ю.И. Cтроение и химия поверхности слоистых силикатов. Киев: Наук. Думка, 1988. 248 с.
2. Пушкарьов О.В., Приймаченко В.М. Взаємодія тритієвої води з глинистими мінералами. Зб. наук. пр. Ін-тугеохімії навколиш. середовища. 2010. Вип. 18. С. 149—161.
3. Ali A.A., El-Bishtawi R. Removal of lead and nickel ions using zeolite tuff. J. Chem. Technol. and Biotechnol. 1997. Issue 69. pp. 27—34.
4. Yi N., Xu J., Yan L. and Huang L. Task optimization and scheduling of distributed cyber–physical system based on improved ant colony algorithm. Future Generation Computer Systems. 2020. Vol. 109, pp. 134–148.

References (оформлення згідно з Harvard Referencing Style)

1. Tarasevich, Yu.I. (1988), Stroenie i himiya poverhnosti sloistyh silikatov, Nauk. dumka, Kyiv, UA, 248 p.
2. Pushkar’ov, O.V. and Priymachenko, V.M. (2010), “Vzaiemodiia trytiievoi vody z hlynystymy mineralamy”, Zb. nauk. pr. Іnst. Geohіmії Navkolyshn’ogo Seredovyshcha, Kyiv, Vyp. 18: 149–161.
3. Ali, A.A. and El-Bishtawi, R. (1997), “Removal of lead and nickel ions using zeolite tuff”, J. Chem. Technol. and Biotechnol., 69: 27–34.
4. Yi, N., Xu, J., Yan, L. and Huang, L. (2020), “Task optimization and scheduling of distributed cyber–physical system based on improved ant colony algorithm”, Future Generation Computer Systems, 109: 134–148.


Dolin V.V., Bobkov V.M., Orlov O.O.

Dolin V.V., Doctor of Geological Sciences, Prof., Research Director, State Institution “The Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, ORCID 0000-0001-6174-2962,
Bobkov V.M., PhD in Chemistry, Senior Researcher, State Institution “The Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, ORCID 0000-0002-3857-5075,
Orlov O.O., Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher, State Institution «The Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine», ORCID 0000-0003-2923-5324,

A model experiment was carried out to study the peculiarities of redistribution of the aqueous form of tritium in a closed ecosystem using freshly cut cuttings of white willow (Salix alba L.)… (обсяг не менше 1800 символів)
Key words: tritium water, freshly cut willow cuttings without roots and leaves, absorption through the periderm, transpiration through the periderm, plant sap, biokinetic parameters.

The editorial board of the collected appeals to the authors with a request to comply with the proper requirements for the design of the submitted articles