УДК 553.411.071:551.72:553.08(477) • ? Issue 26 / 2016 • 141-155 pages


L. Zaborovskaya, Yu. Fomin, V. Pokalyuk, V. Slivinskyi

L. Zaborovskaya Junior Researcher SI “Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of NAS of Ukraine», larisa-zaborovskaja@rambler.ru
Yu. Fomin Ph.D. ( Geol-Min.) Senior Researcher SI”Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of NAS of Ukraine», yaf1941@gmail.com
V. Pokalyuk D.Sc. ( Geology), Senior Researcher SI “Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of NAS of Ukraine», pvskan@ukr.net
V. Slivinskyi Chief Specialist (Programming) SI “Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of NAS of Ukraine»


A detailed mineralogical and geochemical study of the material composition of ores, near-ore metasomatic rocks and host rock complexes of the Yurievskoe gold deposit (Ukrainian shield) with using methods of electron microscopy and microprobe research, is conducted. The ore process is divided in two ore-metasomatic stages, which differ from each other a scale, composition of paragenetic mineral associations, the nature of metasomatic transformations, morphogenetic features of ore and metasomatic minerals, as well as typomorphic properties of gold. Two mineral complex correspond to two ore-metasomatic stages: early (gold-bearing) mineral complex with finely divided gold («invisible gold») and later (productive) one with ultrafine native gold (visible gold). The composition of successive mineral parageneses of the ore process is defined. For the first time the telluride mineralization, which is one of the most important indicator of gold process, is find. It is established visible free gold associated with later pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite, tellurides and sulfotellurides of bismuth and lead, bismuthinite and native bismuth. «Through” continuous-discrete character for gold formation (there are three modifications of native gold – low-, medium- and high-grade, with the dominance of high-grade) is determined. The connection of the greatest concentrations of gold with the final stage of the process is denoted. Near-ore process is defined as low-temperature barium-potassium metasomatism (gumbeitizaition). Typomorphic paragenesis of the gumbeity in the Yurievskoe gold deposit is barium-containing potassium feldspar, sericite and calcite.


Key words: gold mineralization, metasomatism, gumbeity, Precambrian, the Ukrainian Shield, Ingulskyi megablock.




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