УДК 550.4:504:544.4 • ? Issue 26 / 2016 • 60—71 pages


S. Meshcheriakov, V. Dolin

S. Meshcheriakov Doctoral Student, SI «Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of NAS of Ukraine», mescheriakov@mail.ua
V. Dolin D.Sc. (Geol.), Professor, SI «Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of NAS of Ukraine» vdolin@ukr.net


The paper presents data on experimental research of the chemical composition and physical properties of metallurgical sludge. In order to assess the environmental hazard of groundwater contamination due to operation of the slurry cards processes of heavy metals water leaching have been studied. Experimental simulation of atmospheric precipitation impact on the sludge with the removal of the extracted substances from the system is worked out. The direction and speed of the process is set by the experimenter. Taking into account chemical theory of solution experimental data has been described according to formal kinetics for an irreversible process. Chemical composition of the sludge has been studied. It consists generally from Fe3O4 (57-58%) and CaO (11-12%). Physical properties of the sludge are similar to sandy and sandy loam soils, and grain-size composition is similar to silty sand soil. The filtration factor for sludge is 1,02×10–5±0,12×10–5 m×s–1. The volume of water-leachable heavy metals from the sludge is assessed. It varies in the range from 0,017% for Zn to 6,8 % for Cu. The amount of annual flow of heavy metals into the underground aquifer owing to leaching from the sludge is 45-90 kg of lead, zinc, and iron, 140-250 kg of copper, 650-1225 kg of manganese, that does not exceeding 0,002- 0,12% of natural runoff via Dnipro river. Therefore slurry cards are not the main source of groundwater and surface water contamination with heavy metals due to minor volume and low speed of leaching.


Key words: physical properties, sludge, rate constant, leaching, filtration factor, silicate analysis, chemical composition.




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