УДК 618.3.621.395 • Issue 28 / 2019 • 7-21 pages

Yu. Zabulonov, O. Arkhipenko, V. Ryzhov

Yu. Zabulonov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Corresponding Member National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, prof., Head. Dep., State Institution “Institute оf Environmental Geochemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, Zabulonov@nas.gov.ua

O. Arkhipenko, mn.st., State Institution “Institute оf Environmental Geochemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, Archipenko@nas.gov.ua

V. Ryzhov, postgraduate student of the University of Ukraine.


The article presents data from experimental studies conducted to substantiate the possibility of using a new complex ash collection parameter, including the depth of the exhaust pipe in the cyclone body, and the creation of more accurate methods for calculating the total efficiency of ash collection in cyclone units of various designs.
To assess the type of function of the fractional degree of purification of cyclone dust collectors “dh = 50”, the possibility of using the proposed complex ash collection parameter, including the immersion depth of the exhaust pipe into the cyclone body “lout”, the coefficient of flow twist in the flow core and the maximum value of the tangential flow rate in the annular channel between the casing and the cyclone exhaust pipe. With the use of numerous reliable results of experimental studies, analytical and computer calculations, a more accurate method has been developed for calculating the total efficiency of ash collection in various cyclone apparatuses of design.
A new ash trapping parameter was developed, including the depth of immersion of the exhaust pipe into the cyclone body, the twist coefficient of flow in the flow core, the maximum tangential velocity in the cyclone circular channel. Investigations were carried out whose purpose was to establish quantitative dependences of the influence of the magnitude of “lout” on the ash collection efficiency and the hydraulic resistance of the cyclone. Analysis of the experimental data obtained shows that, on the one hand, there is a significant dependence of the efficiency of dust cleaning on the value of “lout” (especially for fine dust fractions – up to about 5 microns), and on the other hand, that the optimal value for “lout” It is possible to take a value approximately equal to (lout)opt = 2,5 … 3, since its further increase does not lead to a noticeable increase in the efficiency of ash collecting.

Key words: swirling flows, cyclone dust-ash collectors, length of the exhaust pipe, purification efficiency.




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