
УДК 53.044+628.16 • Issue 5 (33) / 2021 • 71-76 pages

Y. Zabulonov, D. Charny, L. Odukalec, D. Yaroshchuk, A. Puhach, O. Arkhypenko, N. Chernova

Zabulonov Y., D.Sc., Corresponding Member NAS of Ukraine, Prof., State Institution «The Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»,   ORCID:0000-0002-4517-9927, Zabulonov@nas.gov.ua

Charny D., D.Sc, Senior Research Fellow, State Institution «The Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»,  ORCID:0000-0001-6150-6433, dmitriych10@gmail.com

Odukalec L., Researcher, State Institution «The Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»,   ORCID:0000-0003-2569-6406, laoduk@i.ua

Yaroshchuk D., Engineer, State Institution «The Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine», ORCID:0000-0003-0190-8611, mitya.yaroshchuk@gmail.com   

Puhach O., Junior Researcher, State Institution «The Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»,  ORCID:0000-0002-1378-3820,pav281082@gmail.com

Apkhypenko O., Junior Researcher, State Institution «The Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»,  ORCID:0000-0003-0955-3704, Archipenko@nas.gov.ua

Chernova N.N., PhD, Associate Professor, National university of food technologies, ORCID:0000-0002-5197-3430, notochka@ukr.net


Sustainable development of any country is possible only if the stable supply of its population with drinking water in accordance with their needs, quantity and regulatory quality. This issue is extremely relevant for Ukraine as a low-water state, especially with the further negative impact of climatic and anthropogenic factors on the quality of source water. This is especially true of surface water sources in general and the Dnieper cascade of reservoirs in particular. The regulation of the Dnieper River, global warming and the increase in anthropogenic pressure in the form of a significant (at times) increase in polyphosphates and nitrogen compounds in the effluents entering the Dnieper River provokes catastrophic cyanide growth for four to five months a year. Outdated water treatment technologies are unable to combat this factor and use the only possible technological method for them to combat high organic matter of any genesis – increase the dose of chlorine and coagulants. This usually does not improve the quality of water purification, but leads to the sustainable formation of organochlorine compounds in the process of water purification and transportation. Chloroform is a constant marker of trihalogen methanes and its concentration is determined by water supply laboratories. Accordingly, we investigated the possibilities of oxidation of chloroform by means of complex oxides formed by corona discharge in a water-air medium in the mixing chamber of the ejector. The influence of medium pH on the process of chloroform destruction was studied. It has been experimentally established that even a weakly acidic environment does not allow the efficient oxidation of chloroform and leads to its recombination and even increases its concentration. At the same time, in an alkaline environment, the oxidation process is intense and with lower energy consumption.

Key words: water, water supply, phytoplankton, organochlorine, chloroform, plasma, discharge, oxidation.



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