• Issue 6 (34) / 2021 • 21-22 pages
Bakay O.S.
Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine O.S. Bakay National Research Center “Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology”
From the beginning of his career, Borys Yevhenovych Paton was involved in solving problems of national importance with his father, Yevhen Oskarovych. which has been evident since his election as President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) since Soviet times. In each of these areas, he was directly involved, mostly in leadership positions. In addition, Borys Yevhenovych had a remarkable gift for training, selecting and concentrating talented promising people in the leading creative centers.
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- Baryakhtar, V. Energy Production and the Living Standards. Ukr. Geol. J. 2009. Vol. 25. pp. 28-36.
- Baryakhtar V.G., Bykovsky Ya.T., Baryakhtar I.V. (2018) Nuclear Project: Past and Present. Kyiv: Akademperiodyka. ISBN:978-966-360-359-9. 68 p. org/10.15407/akademperiodyka.359.068].