Yu. Fomin, V. Verkhovsev, Yu. Demikhov, Z. Kravchuk, N. Borisova, A. Studzinska
Yu. Fomin Candidate of geological-mineralogical sciences, Senior Research Fellow, Leading Researcher State Institution «Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of the NAS of Ukraine», yaf1941@gmail.com.
V.Verkhovsev Doctor of Geology, Senior Research Fellow, Head of department State Institution «Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of the NAS of Ukraine», Verkhovtsev@ukr.net.
Yu. Demikhov Candidate of geological-mineralogical sciences, Senior Research Fellow, Head of the laboratory State Institution «Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of the NAS of Ukraine», y_demikhov@ukr.net.
Z.Kravchuk Lead Engineer State Institution «Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of the NAS of Ukraine», IGNS_Kravchuk@nas.gov.ua.
N.Borisova Lead Engineer State Institution «Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of the NAS of Ukraine», IGNS_Borysova@nas.gov.ua.
A. Studzinska, Junior Research Fellow, State Institution «Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of NAS of Ukraine», anna.studz88@ukr.net
Basing on the many-year personal experience of the isotopic study of the Early Cambrian uranium and gold deposits in the Ukrainian shield, the authors consider a number of methodological issues concerning the theory of ore formation, i.e., selection of objects and methods of their testing, sample processing, and interpretation of the obtained results. The article presents the requirements for the geological material for complex isotope studies in the genetic field, which include the methods developed by the laboratory of State Institution “IEG of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine” for determination of the isotopic sulfur composition of sulphides and sulphates, gross carbon of rocks along with the analysis, if necessary, of carbonate and organic (+ graphite) components, carbon and oxygen of carbonates, oxygen of oxides without the silicon base, as well as quartz and silicates, hydrogen and oxygen of hydroxyl-containing minerals, hydrogen, oxygen and carbon of fluid inclusions in minerals. The necessity of the preliminary systematic study of the selected objects to develop a reliable geological basis and special concern for the material composition of ores with the separation and systematization of the mineral compounds is emphasized.
Key words: isotopic geochemistry, theory of ore formation, uranium and gold deposits, methods for determining the isotopic composition, material composition of ores.
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