УДК 550:462:57.045 • Issue 1 (29) / 2019 • 46-56 pages

Dolin V., Shcherbak O., Samchuk A., Pampukha G.

Dolin V. D. Sc. (Geol.), Professor, Deputy Director for Science, SI “Institute of Environmental Geochemistry, of the NAS of Ukraine”, vdolin@ukr.net

Shcherbak O. PhD (Geology), Researcher, SE “Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of the NAS of Ukraine”, scherbak_olesia@ukr.net

Samchuk A. D. Sc. (Chem.), Senior Researcher Officer, Chief Scientist, M.P. Semenenko Institute of geochemistry, mineralogy and ore formation of the National Academy of sciences of Ukraine

Pampukha G. President, Europian Arbitration Chamber


Disperse and chemical composition and morphometric-mineralogical peculiarities of dust from Trypilska thermal power plant (TPP) fly ash were investigated. Analytical data are analyzed regarding the content of suspended particles from the air within the influence zone of TPP (10 km). As a research material we used dust picked up from the air and leaves of Amaranthus. According to the study results, it was found that suspended particles undifferentiated by composition are mainly finely divided (less than 10 μm) fractions of silicates (aluminosilicates), sulfur crystals (sulphides, sulfates), zirconium oxides with copper, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, chlorine, single phosphorus inclusions and fluoride. The shape of the dust particles is predominantly conglomerate-like with the adherence of fine particles of different shapes from a perfectly spherical to a fragile with sharp edges. The content of silicon dioxide in the chemical composition of the dust reaches 70-20%. The presence of zirconium and “reactive silica” in the content of the researched dust confirms its mainly man-made genesis. After all, “reactive silica” (ºSi–) can only be formed as a result of high-temperature processing of quartz particles. Quartz aerosol particles formed during combustion of coal, actively interact with gases, acids, heavy metals with the formation of “quartz microcontainers”, carrying toxic substances. Getting into the human body, particles of quartz bring on its surface compounds that are strong toxins, carcinogens and mutagens. Acute fragments of quartz crystals cause mechanical damage to the tissues of the body. The dust fly ash from Trypillya TPP represents a significant environmental hazard for the population and vegetation of the 10-km zone. Inhalation of the dust by a person causes the development of respiratory diseases, namely: fibrosis, granulomas, silicosis. Deposition of the ash dust on the surface of the leaves leads to the drying of the plant because the biologically active silicon in the dust leads to the formation of calcium silicate microstalagmites in the tissues of leaves that overlap the stomata.

Key words: air pollution, dust, fly ash, Trypilska TPP, silicates, zirconium oxides, «reactive silica».




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