УДК 614.841.3 • Issue 1 (29) / 2019 • 6-12 pages

Maglyovana T.V., Dolin V. V.

Maglyovana T.V., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Cherkasy Fire Safety Institute named after Heroes of Chernobyl, National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, maglovana_t@ukr.net

Dolin V. V. D. Sc. (Geol.), SI “Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”


The scientific approach to creation of preventive means of fire fighting of forest combustible materials is substantiated by immobilization on the surface of a cationic polymeric surfactant of polyhexamethylene guanide, which simultaneously possesses the properties of quaternary ammonium salt and polyelectrolyte and relates to low-toxic substances of the IV class of danger. It is shown that the fixation of polyhexamethyleneguanidine salts on the surface of forest combustible materials is possible due to the chemical interaction (together with the physical) between the substance and the wood. It is shown that immobilization of salts of polyhexamethylene guanidine increases the thermal stability of cellulosic material. As a result of immobilization on the surface of forest combustible materials, a polymeric inhibitory layer is formed, which is confirmed by methods of thermal analysis and Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy. The polymer film formed on the surface of the organs of wood in the conditions of a forest fire is heat-resistant at temperatures up to 3500С. At higher temperatures, the polymer film decomposes with the formation of nitrogen and phosphorus-containing compounds, which, entering into the reaction of the radical combustion mechanism, inhibit the active centers of the flame. Tests of fire protection efficiency of aqueous solutions of polyhexamethylene guanidine showed a decrease in the linear burning rate by almost 3-4 times compared with untreated samples of forest combustible materials.  Fire extinguishing compositions have been developed which, after drying, on the surface of cellulosic materials form waterproof polymer films with high strength characteristics and prolonged biocidal effect due to the presence of guanidinium polyhexamethylene guanidine in the composition of the general polymer chain.For the first time, the use of developed fire protection compositions for laying prophylactic barriers in the most fire hazardous areas (periods) during localization of forest fires and for carrying out preventive measures for the protection of forest plantations from pests is proposed.

Key words: forest combustible materials, polyhexamethylene guanidine, preventive protection, fire extinguishing.




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