УДК 622.7 : 621.7 • Issue 1 (29) / 2019 • 82-87 pages

V. Gubina, V. Ravinska, G. Gubin

V. Gubina Ph. D. (Geol.-Min.), Senior Research Fellow, Leading Researcher State Institution “Institute of Environment Geochemistry of the NAS of Ukraine” , gvg131619@gmail.com

VRavinska   Head of Test Cente, FERREXPO Poltava Mining, vita.ravinskaya@mine.ferrexpo.com

GGubin Ph. D. (Techn.),  docent,  Krivoy Rog National University, gennadiy.gubin@gmail.com


The aim of the work is to establish the effect of the electrochemical processing of pulp and high-energy ultrasound in the cavitation mode on the disintegration of man-made aggregates and flocs during the magnetic-flotation enrichment of magnetite quartzites.

In contrast to the existing provisions on the formation of technogenic joints in the application of fine grinding of ores, it was found that the use of vertical mills leads to an opposite phenomenon – partial scrubbing of the surface of minerals from foreign layers due to the replacement of shock loads in these mills erasing tangential forces of destruction, that allows us to develop a technology for the processing of froth products obtained in the process of flotation finishing of magnetite concentrates.

Before the flotation enrichment, a method for treating iron ore pulps was developed for disintegrating ore flocculation and technogenic joints. This is based on the occurrence of cavitation processes with air bubbles using the dynamic effects of high-energy ultrasound. This improves the cleaning efficiency of sludge particles in the composition of minerals in flotation and magnetic emissions by a factor 1.8.

The study of the technogenic joints formation processes and the treatment of them with high-energy ultrasound can improve the technical and economic indicators of the flotation finishing of magnetite concentrates with the enrichment of very fine disseminated ferruginous quartzites, while also reducing K2O and Na2O in the finished product. The latter is very important, because potassium and sodium reduce the strength of the pellets at low-temperature recovery in blast furnaces, which leads to an increase in coke consumption and reduced productivity of the furnaces.

It is found that electrochemical and ultrasonic treatment of pulps with the enrichment of magnetite quartzites leads to an increase in the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the process and receiving of a high-quality concentrate.

Key words:

ferruginous quartzites, electrochemical and ultrasound pulp processing, technogenic joints, cleaning the surface of mineral particles.




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