УДК 551.248• ? Issue 26 / 2016 • 156-163 pages


V. Verkhovtsev, Yu. Yuskiv, E. Krasnov

V. Verkhovtsev, D.Sc. (Geol.), Head of Department special metallogeny SI “Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of NAS of Ukraine», verkhovtsev@ukr.net;
Yu. Yuskiv, Ph.D. (Geol.), Researcher, SI “Institute of Environmental Geochemistry, NAS of Ukraine», yuskiv_yu @ ukr.net;
E. Krasnov , Junior Researcher, SI “Institute of Environmental Geochemistry, NAS of Ukraine», yevhen.krasnov@gmail.com


The results of a large-scale (1:10 000) mapping of recent tectonics within Dibrovskе U-Th-REE deposit on the basis of morphostructural methods were identified. Active linear structures on the latest stage of development, and the amplitude of the vertical movements in the Quaternary period were characterized. Neotectonic constructing is an independent research. Results of the study can be viewed as a special additional work to clarify the features of the tectonic structure of Dibrovske U-Th-REE deposits area and in activation on the latest stage of development faults. Lineament zone are reflected in geological and geophysical data.



Key words: neotectonics, linear structures, lineament zone, the total amplitude of the vertical movement, the late Pliocene-Quaternary.




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