УДК 629.5.068.4 • ? Issue 26 / 2016 • 17—26 pages


L. Pizintsali, A. Shakhov

L. Pizintsali Ph.D. (Tech.), Doctoral Student of Odessa National Maritime University, ludapiza@i.ua.;
А. Shakhov D.Sc. (Tech.), vice-rector of the Odessa National Maritime University, avshakhov@yandex.ua.


The article is devoted to the improvement of management based on the methodology of design-oriented organization by introducing them to the environmental management system. In recent years there has been a sharp reduction in the life cycle of marine vessels, resulting in a significant increase in demand for
enterprises at their disposal. The International Maritime Organization and the European Union, especially understanding of production processes Recycling of Ships, pay close attention to ensuring safe working conditions and control over the environment, including proper management of industrial waste and the implementation of international labor law. The study proposed a model of environmental management systems for recycling facility based on Shewhart-Demming cycle. A method of forming an effective portfolio of organization projects subject to the restrictions on the values of the degree of pollution of the atmosphere, sea water and waste water from the implementation of a project.


Key words: senvironmental management, environmental project passport, vessel green passport, portfolio..




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