UDC 622.7:621.796; 622.341:622.7-913.1 • Issue 7 (35) / 2022 • 114-118 pages


Hubina  V.H.,Hubin H.H.


Hubina  V.H.,  Ph.  D.  (Geol.-Min.),  Senior  Research  Fellow,  Leading  Researcher  State  Institution  “Institute  of  Environment  Geochemistry of the NAS of Ukraine”, ORCID 0000-0001-7486-5451, gvg131619@gmail.com

Hubin H.H., Ph. D. (Techn.), docent, Kryvyі Rіh National University, ORCID 0000-0001-6460-918X, gennadiy.gubin@gmail.com


The XX century has put forward its special requirements for the mining industry, which are related to energy and resource conservation. Traditional technologies for the extraction and enrichment of minerals are hostile to the environment and the people who created this technology. Millions of cubic meters of polluted gases and water, dumps of waste rocks, sludge storages, voids, landscape disturbances – all these are negative consequences of ore mining and processin. Huge quarry pits and high dams of overcrowded tailings, along with explosions in quarries and mines, would cause threatening catastrophic consequences if a trigger for their interaction is launched. In the paper, a conceptual point of view on the possible development of production is presented on the example of iron ore mining and processing plants. Compatible intra-quarry dumping of overburden rocks with dry or signifi dehydrated benefi      wastes has been proposed. At the same time, the tailings of the benefi     overburden and host rocks are deposited in layers in the quarries and ensure fi  the voids between the pieces of overburden and host rocks. Signifi   dehydrated enrichment waste is proposed to be obtained by thickening on shelf thickeners, followed by fi   on press fi Dry tails can be obtained by switching from concentrators to the method of dry (anhydrous) grinding and enrichment of iron ore, which involves designing of a short one-stage technological scheme of grinding and enrichment of ferrous quartzites. The proposed technologies will signifi  reduce electricity consumption, ensure the safe operation of tailing dumps, which will no longer be complex hydraulic structures. This will help to prevent pollution of water and surrounding areas, as well as the alienation of land.

 Key words: quarrying waste, tailings, quarry, tailings pond, dry storage of tails, dehydration.



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