УДК 504.054 (477) • Issue 8 (36) / 2022 • 14-18 pages
Orlov O.O., Dolin V.V., Charny D.V., Yarochshuk D.O.
Orlov O.O., PhD (Biology), State Institution “The Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, ORCID: 0000-0003-2923-5324, orlov.botany@gmail.com
Dolin V.V., D. Sc. (Geology), State Institution “The Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, ORCID: 0000-0001-6174-2962, vdolin@ukr.net
Charny D.V., D. Sc. (Engineering), State Institution “The Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, ORCID: 0000-0001-6150-6433, dmitriych10@gmail.com
Yarochshuk D.O., State Institution “The Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, ORCID: 0000-0003-0190-8611 shramenko_ivan@ukr.net
The goal of this study was evaluation of the total phytomass of reed per unit of square on each bio-engineering facilities (BIF), its distribution between aboveground and underground parts, biological uptake of some heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Cu) by the total reed phytomass and its separate organs. Objects of research were: reed biogeocenoses; subject of study – reed phytomass per square unit and content of heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Cu) in reed organs each BIF. Study was conducted in July 2021 on the territory of six BIF of Poltavsky Mining and Processing Plant, where clarified waste waters are pumped up. On each BIF 5 experimantal plots were established, where number of reed’s individuals, number of shoots per square unit were calculated and samples of reed’s organs were collected. Calculation of reed’s phytomass were conducted for each BIF: for 1 shoot, 1 individual, thickets of reed per square unit (m2, ha). Content of heavy metals were measured after ashing at temperature 300ºС, by the method of emissive spectrum analysis on spectrographe ICP-28. It was shown that on all BIF reed was characterized by significant aboveground phytomass (t·ha-1): BIF-1а – 11,1; BIF- 1b – 9,2; BIF-2 – 10,6; BIF-3 – 29,7; BIF-4 – 15,4; BIF-5 – 13,8. Values of underground phytomass significantly exceeded aboveground one (t·ha-1): BIF-1а – 55,4; BIF-1b – 50,2; BIF-2 – 72,5; BIF-3 – 232,8; BIF-4 – 106,5; BIF-5 – 79,0. The parts of underground and aboveground phytomass of reed were: on BIF-1а – 83,3 and 16,7%; BIF-1b – 84,5 and 15,5%; BIF-2 – 87,2 and 12,8%; BIF-3 – 88,7 and 11,3%; BIF-4 – 87,4 and 12,6%; BIF-5 – 85,1 and 14,9% respectively. On all BIF general regularity was observed – significantly higher Fe content in underground organs than in aboveground ones. Range of Fe content on different BIF were (mkg·kg-1): stems – 143 ± 13–225 ± 20; leaves – 529 ± 50–1 000 ± 95; inflorescens – 67 ± 7–273 ± 30; rhizomes with roots – 3 584 ± 342–6 700 ± 655. Ranged row of reed organs according with Fe content was: rhizomes with roots > leaves > inflorescens > stems. Range of Mn content on different BIF were (mkg·kg-1): stems – 14 ± 1–100 ± 10; leaves – 75 ± 8–385 ± 35; inflorescens – 13 ± 1–96 ± 10; rhizomes with roots – 137 ± 13–700 ± 63. Ranged row of reed organs according with Mn content, as a rule, was the same as for Fe. Average Cu content in reed’s organs was approximately in 10 times less in comparison with Mn, and in 100-1000 times less in comparison with Fe. Range of Cu content on different BIF were (mkg·kg-1): stems – 3 ± 0,2–7 ± 0,7; leaves – 2 ± 0,2–8 ± 0,8; inflorescens – 4 ± 0,4–9 ± 0,9; rhizomes with roots – 5 ± 0,5–23 ± 2,5. It was made a conclusion that underground phytomass of reed – multiyear rhizomes with roots – has determining influence on accumulation of all investigated heavy metals by reed.
Keywords: reed, plant organs, aboveground phytomass, underground phytomass, Fe, Mn, Cu, heavy metal content.
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