
УДК 553/495: 553.061.6 (477)Issue 27 / 2017 • 50 — 74 pages


K. Suschuk, V. Verkhovsev

K. Suschuk Ph.D (Geolog-Min.), Senior Research Fellow, Leading Researcher State Institution «Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of the NAS of Ukraine», Mamas @ i. ua.

V. Verkhovsev Doctor of Geology, Senior Research Fellow, Head of department State Institution «Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of the NAS of Ukraine»,


The metallogeny of uranium ore regions in the sedimentary cover of the Ukrainian Shield (USh) is determined by factors such as the history of the formation and structure of the sedimentary cover, structural and tectonic and hydrogeological conditions for the formation of hydrogenated uranium deposits, lithological and mineralogical peculiarities of individual deposits, extraction capabilities, and growth forecast of reserves. Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary cover of the USh is formed during the Jurassic, Cretaceous, Paleogene, Neogene and Pliocene-Quaternary tectonic sedimentation cycles. Continental coal-terrigenous formation of the Buchach age of the middle Eocene, formed during the Paleogene tectonic sedimentation cycle, contains hydrogenated infiltration industrial deposits of uranium. The geological and structural features of the formation of uranium deposits were determined by the tectonic regime of the USh. The hydrogeological conditions of ore formation are determined by the nature of the supply area of the aquifers of the sedimentary cover, the presence of modern hydrogeochemical zoning in the underground waters and the laws of the movement of the flows of soil and reservoir groundwater. The metallogenic uranium field in the sedimentary cover of the USh consists of three ore districts – South-Bug, Ingulo-Inguletsky, Saksahansko-Sursky. Separate uranium deposits are characterized by specific features. The uranium mineralization is accompanied by concentrations of Re, Se, Sc, TR, suitable for concomitant extraction. The general genetic scheme of hydrogenogenic ore formation is described. The search criteria and the forecast of uranium mining potential search and development are formulated.

Key words: curanium, Ukrainian shield, metallogenic erosion, sedimentary cover, hydrogene deposits, mineral accumulation factors.




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