УДК 504.064.3:(550.4:546.3–34)(477.62) • Issue 3 (31) / 2020 • 79-89 pages

Kuraieva I.V., Splodytel А.O..

Kuraieva I.V.,  D.Sc. (Geol.), professor, Semenenko Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation of NAS of Ukraine, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3113-7782

Splodytel А.O., Ph.D.(Geopr), Doctoral Candidate, Semenenko Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation of NAS of Ukraine, asplodytel@gmail.com, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8109-3944


The processes of heavy metals (Cu, Ni, Pb, Cr of and others) distribution have been analysed in the ‘soil-plant’ system for the typical types of plants and basic types of soils characteristic for the landscapes of the National Natural Park “Nyzhniosulskyi”. The heavy metal content in the soil along with the landscape based preconditions for their migration have been reviewed using representative key areas as an example. Landscape-geochemical conditions determine the geochemical structure of anthropogenically changed landscapes and the characteristics of chemical elements migration. The content of heavy metals in soils and plants was determined by atomic adsorption using ICP-MS analyzer ELENENT-2 (Germany). Ecological-geochemical assessment of soil contamination on the total index was made by the Yu. Sayeta method. To characterize the biogenic migration of heavy metals and biochemical features of plants we used the method of I. Avessalomova. The areas of research are characterized by medium (moderately dangerous) and high (dangerous) pollution. A geochemical association of heavy metals in soil was identified. Biogeochemical characteristics of plants of technogenesis zones were established. The coefficients of biological accumulation of heavy metals in plants were calculated. The obtained data correlate with the general regularities of the redistribution processes of heavy metals in the ‘soil-plant’ system. The discovered general regularities can be used while modeling the geoecological state of the national park territory, for setting the norms of the anthropogenic loading on the areas of the park with different protection regimes. The results of this study have been introduced into practice at the NNP “Nyzhniosulskyi” in organizing and conducting the research work, for planning tourist and recreational activities, forming tourist routes, and organizing the recreational infrastructure.

Key words: heavy metals, geochemical association, landscape, landscape-geochemical conditions.




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