УДК 551.242:553.04 • ? Issue 26 / 2016 • 129-140 pages


L. Osmachko, A. Studzinska, T. Uvarova

L. Osmachko Ph.D. (Geol.), Senior Researcher SI «Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of the NAS of Ukraine», osml@ukr.net
A. Studzinska Junior Researcher SI «Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of the NAS of Ukraine», anna.studz88@ukr.net
T. Uvarova Researcher Ivan Chernyahovsky National University of Defense of Ukraine, uvartv@ukr.net


It is found by previous studies that the structural pattern of the central part of the Ukrainian shield, formed in several stages of substantially shear transformations of the crystalline basement, corresponds to the dislocation shift-rotation system. Its formation took place in the Paleoproterozoic, subsequent tectonic events resulting structural pattern was not significantly changed. In this paper we proved that Novoukrainsky granitoid massif is a typical component of the mentioned system and also formed in several stages of structural and substantial transformation of the Precambrian basement. It is proved by its structure formed by geological bodies of higher ranks and several generations. All components bodies of the Novoukrainsky massif – granitoids, albitites ore and barren have the same, the hybrid structure, indicating that they have an indivisible, interdependent structural and substantial evolution. At all levels of the organization, from macro- to microlevel, the body, components of the massif, form pre-shift structural pattern. The structural pattern of the generation 1, the formation of which is attached to the Paleoproterozoic, is appeared the most intensively. Ore objects of all hierarchical levels are regular components of the observed structural patterns, that is, they have the same formation history as adjacent strata. Therefore, ore-perspective bodies occupy certain structural positions in the Paleoproterozoic structural patterns, namely, attached to his pre-shift pressures shadows, it is believed, the leading search criteria.


Key words: dislocation system, granitoid massif, generation of the structures, ore bodies, structural cells, shift.




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