УДК 574.539.1.04:628.3.034.2 • ? Issue 26 / 2016 • 17—26 pages


S. Danilov, Yu. Zabulonov, L. Odukalets, V. Kadoshnikov

Yu. Zabulonov Cor. Member NASU, D.Sc. (Tech.) SI «Institute of Environmental Geochemistry NAS Ukraine», zabulonov@mail.ru;
S. Danilov Doctoral Student SI «Institute of Environmental Geochemistry NAS Ukraine» SeRg <svdanilov@yahoo.com
L. Odukalets, researcher SI «Institute of Environmental Geochemistry NAS Ukraine», laoduk@i.ua
V. Kadoshnikov researcher SI «Institute of Environmental Geochemistry NASU», vm.kadoshnikov@gmail.com


The paper describes a method for increasing in the efficiency of mine water treatment and the method of its implementation. The combined use of electrodialysis and the coprecipitation method is that the first is coprecipitation of uranium on the particles of calcium sulfate, and the next use of electrodialysis process after coagulation nanoparticles can get effluent with uranium concentration of less than 0.01 mg / dm3. The possibility of extracting not only uranium, but its associated elements: radium, polonium, and others. The article presents the results of studies using mine water treatment installations, including the results of laboratory measurements of mine water of Subsidiary “VostGOK”, coming to setting, the composition of mine waters that have undergone treatment at MWTI of Inhulskaya Mine of State Enterprise ” VostGOK » and results of test experiments on solution desalt using a laboratory setup EDL-10. The perspective of using electrodialysis with an alternating electric current is showed. When alternating current flows in an electrochemical system, it is created the conditions for the implementation of the broader class of electrochemical reactions in various solutions on the electrodes and the interface electrode- electrolyte, the electrolyte membrane. The advantage of the application of unsteady mode during electrodialysis is its low sensitivity to hydrogen ion concentration (pH) that allows to work with both strongly acidic and strongly alkaline solutions. The restrictions of use of electrodialysis, that are due to the impossibility of removal of the uncharged components of highly solutions, if any are present, are confirmed.


Key words: electrodialysis, mine water treatment, membrane laboratory facility, desalination, softening, pH.




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