УДК 556.314:556.388](477.61) • Issue 28 / 2019 • 74-85 pages

I. Udalov, A. Kononenko

I. Udalov, PhD (Geology), associate professor, head of the department of hydrogeology of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, igorudalov8@gmail.com

A. Kononenko, post-graduate student of the department of hydrogeology of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, kononenko_alina01@ukr.net


The article is devoted to the peculiarities of formation and change in the quality of marl-chalk aquifer underground waters which are the main drinking water source in the territory of eastern Ukraine. The article presents an analysis of the main ecological and geochemical factors of marl-chalk aquifer underground water formation using the case of Zhytlivskyi water intake. The influence of polluted atmospheric precipitation and groundwater infiltration on the qualitative composition of the groundwater from the aquifer is established. The impact of the man-made factor on formation of contaminated precipitation and groundwater is determined. The chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation and groundwater is studied, and the role of the geological structure of the alluvial terrace in formation of the qualitative composition of the groundwater is determined. Features of the chemical composition, gas saturation and reservoir pressures of the groundwater in wells that were drilled to control horizons within the underground gas storage are analyzed. No connection is proved to exist between the Krasnopopivske underground gas storage operation and the quality of the groundwater from the Zhytlivskyi water intake. The direct role of tectonic disturbances and the North-Donetsk fault zone in formation of the qualitative composition of the underground waters from the water intake is determined. A correlation between the increase of the groundwater mineralization in the near-fault areas with the extension of water intake is found. Based on the data analyzed, a forecast is made and recommendations are given to reduce the negative impact of the studied ecological and hydrogeochemical factors on the quality of the groundwater in the marl and chalk aquifer in the researched area.

Key words: marl-chalk aquifer, water intake, groundwater quality, ecological-hydrogeochemical factors, infiltration.




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