V.Karabyn, I.Kochmar
I.Kochmar lecturer of Environmental Safety Dept., Lviv State University of Life Safety, irynalevytska1@gmail.com
This article provides an environmental hazard factors assessment in the Vizeyska mine area. The assessment is aimed at the determination of the copper species spreading mechamisms in the mine’s gob pile rock. Vizeyska mine belongs to the Lviv-Volyn coal basin of Ukraine which can be identified as the southeastern part of the Lublin Basin in Poland. This mine was in operation from 1960 to 2009 accumulating 5.1 million m3 of rock in the gob pile.
The copper concentrations in mudstones, siltstones, sandstones, gob pile’s coal and soils in the affected area have been determined in the bulk form and in acid soluble, ammonium acetate and water soluble extracts. The content of copper in the gob pile in the bulk form varies from 8.04 mg/kg to 65.89 mg/kg and is on the average 31.63 mg/kg. The copper concentration ratios in relation to clarke in the sedimentary rock were found, and based on these data, a copperphilicity range for the gob pile rock was proposed.
The copper concentration in the acid soluble extract is the highest in mudstone (6.72 mg/kg), a bit lower in coal (6.08 mg/kg), sandstones (4.14 mg/kg) and the lowest in siltstone (2.29 mg/kg). The copper content reduction range in the ammonium acetate extract is somewhat different: mudstones (3.10 mg/kg) – coal (1.90 mg/kg) – siltstone (1.50 mg/kg) – sandstone (1.35 mg/kg). As regards the bulk form, the copper content ratios in the hydrochloric acid extract range from 0.099 to 0.515 in the rock and from 0.576 to 0.625 in the soils; in the ammonium acetate – from 0.044 to 0.168 in the rock and from 0.119 to 0.137 in the soils.
The results of our research allow to consider the soils in the area affected by the Vizeyska mine’s gob pile with regard to spreading of various copper species environmentally safe and utilizable.
Key words: coal-mining, heavy metals speciation, environmental safety, geochemistry of copper.
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