M. Yaroshchuk, Yu. Fomin, L. Zaborovskaya
Yu. Fomin., Ph.D. (Geol.), Principal Specialist, State Institution “Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, Kyiv, Ukraine, yaf1941@gmail.com
L.Zaborovskaya. Junior Researcher, State Institution “Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, Kyiv, Ukraine, larisa-zaborovskaja@rambler.ru
The geological and structural conditions of localization of the gold ore deposits formed in different geodynamic conditions of Prydniprovsky and Inguletsky megablocks, and Bilotserkivsky-Odesky inter-block suture zone of the Ukrainian Shield are considered. Various geological processes of possible gold concentration during the multi-stage formation of the Ukrainian Shield have been analyzed. The main stages of the formation of gold ore deposits of various types have been identified: the pre-ore stage is the metamorphogenic gold-pyrite one, caused by the processes of sedimentation, volcanism, metamorphism, and the main ore-bearing stage – the gold-quartz one, associated with ultrametamorphism and hydrothermal tectonic and magmatic activation processes. The regional and some local search criteria for various types of gold deposits have been established.
Key words: gold metallogeny, archaeus, lower Proterozoic, Ukrainian shield, megablocks, interblock seam zones, geodynamic situation, ore-forming processes, gold deposits.
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