УДК 553.64 + 553.25 • Issue 27 / 2017 • 171 — 180 pages


E. Musich, V. Verkhovtsev

E.Musich, PhD. (biology), senior researcher, SE “Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”

V.Verkhovtsev, D Sci., head of department, SE “Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”


Phosphorous-containing ores are discussed in the view of their possible use as an agrochemical raw material for phosphorous fertilizer production. Increase in demand for phosphorous is caused by both depletion of profitable deposits and growth of food needs. Estimation of the deposits should be extensive since the rare earth elements, extraction of which was not widely practiced in Ukraine, are now on the list of the strategical raw stock. Ukraine possesses a powerful raw materials base for the chemical industry presented by two geological-genetic types of deposits: apatite and phosphorite. The main Ukrainian operating deposits of the phosphorous-containing ores, their reserves and the quality of the ore determined by Р2О5 content are described. Igneous silicate-carbonate rocks of alkaline and normal series associated with ultrabasite complexes are widespread within the Ukrainian Shield area. Stratified deposits of concretionary and granular-type phosphorites are in some regions of Volyn`-Podillia area, Dniprovs’ko-Donets’ka depression and Donbas area. Reassessment of the deposits’ reserves is necessary based on new economic conditions. The methods of complex deposit excavation should be developed and selected taking into account the useful component content (P2O5) variations.

Key words: phosphorous, apatites, phosphorites, composite ores.




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