УДК  556.314:556.388 • Issue 2 (30) / 2019 • 46-55 pages

Udalov I. V., Levoniuk S. M.

Udalov I. V., Doctor of Sciences (Geology), Associate Professor, Head of Department, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3844-6481, igorudalov8@gmail.com

Levoniuk S. M., Researcher, Ukrainian Research Institute for Natural Gases, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4073-8152, sergii.levonyuk@gmail.com


A modern conceptual approach to a study of the ecological and hydrogeological transformation of the qualitative composition of drinking groundwater of the buchak-kaniv aquifer in the central part of Dnipro-Donetsk artesian basin in the current natural-technogenic conditions has been proposed in the article. A rational unification of the indicators that characterize geological, ecological-hydrogeological and neotectonic conditions of the  territory has been done. According to these conditions – natural and technogenic factors of the water quality deterioration of the target aquifer have been identified and investigated at the present stage. The spatio-temporal patterns of changes in the chemical composition of the studied waters during the period of active complex technogenic influence on the geological environment of the region (1960-2015) have been revealed. The main pollutant elements of these waters have been established, with their distribution at depth and surface by genesis. The elements-indicators of qualitative composition transformation of the groundwater have been determined. The authors have traced the dynamics exhibiting an increase in its content during long-term exploitation at about 20 powerful urban water intakes within the work area. According to this approach, measures for the stabilization of the waters’ chemical composition  at the buchak-kaniv water intakes of the research  area have been developed. The authors justified a methodical approach to the prediction of groundwater ecological condition changes under the influence of the established ecological and hydrogeological factors. The measures of eco-friendly groundwater management at strategically important water intakes within the region have been proposed. Recommendations have been given for both existing and prospective water intakes.

Key words: conceptual approach, destabilization of groundwater quality, spatio-temporal patterns, elements-indicators, buchak-kaniv water intakes.




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