L. Osmachko, M. Yaroshchuk
M.Yaroshchuk, D.Sc. (Geol.-Min.), Principal Researcher SI «Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of NAS of Ukraine» marina_yaroshchuk@meta.ua
The peculiarities of the geological structure and geodynamic development of the Mangush interblock zone are considered. Possible connection of the thorium-uranium mineralization with the concrete dislocation structures and petrological processes is established. Some search criteria for thorium-uranium ores are given.
The structural pattern of the Mangush zone was shown to be formed in several stages of the structural-substantial transformations of the crystalline basement under the sheared conditions. Its final formation took place in the Paleoproterozoic, the later tectonic violations did not substantially alter the structure plan on the established timestamp.
The U-, Th-ore bodies of all hierarchical levels are the regular components of the shear structural patterns; the U and Th content in the granitoids increases with each stage of the structural-substantial transformations, while in the host-rocks it decreases. The most significant U-Th concentrations are connected with the S- and T-structures of the Paleoproterozoic structural pattern. Thus, the U- and Th-ore and ore-containing bodies have the same history of formation – in several stages of structural and substantial transformations of the crystalline basis. Therefore, the ore-prospective bodies occupy certain structural positions in the Paleoproterozoic structural pattern – the pre-shift pressure shadows. This affinity is believed to be the leading search criterion.
Key words: thorium, uranium, metalogeny, structural-substantial transformations, structural patterns.
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